Eltham Terrace Club
Eltham Terrace Club
The Customer
One of our loyal customers since 2010- the owner first started with the very basic cash register to cater to their basic needs. When the business grew they wanted an easy to use, customer and staff friendly touch screen till. This is where TillMax helped.
The Challenge
The owner wanted to serve its customers quickly to reduce queues. Our software has the functionality to prompt messages including age restrictions, suspend and resume sales, hold tables, split bills etc. They also wanted to have clerk/employee logins, so the owner could manage his activities. The system provided also allows users to manage loyalty points with regular customers.
The Solution
We have installed TillMax Partner SP800 touch screen terminal with TillMax Software specially catered for clubs. Our till systems meant Eltham Club could be faster and more efficient, helping the owners dream to become a reality.