Boro Bistro

Boro Bistro
The Customer
Boro Bistro Authentic French bistro, Boro Bistro, is located at the heart of London Bridge. This busy restaurant is buzzing with people at all times of the day and is located near London Bridge station.

The Challenge
This restaurant required table reservation (both online and over the phone), automatic prompt to staff for food choices, table analysis reports, split bills and more. TillMax catered to the needs of this client by installing TillMax touch screen tills with partner SP800 along with waiter pads- which can take orders at the table including printing in the kitchen with alternative text, such as no mayo, for example, reducing unhappy customers.
The Solution
TillMax have been doing business with Boro Bistro since 2011 and have always supported them and their team to the highest quality. We have dedicated engineers available on the phone to talk to the team and always respond speedily.